Download Torrent Epub Evangeline Denmark Curio

Grey Haward has always detested the Chemists, the magicians-come-scientists who rule her small western town. But she has always followed the rules, taking the potion the Chemists ration out that helps the town’s people survive. A potion that Grey suspects she—like her grandfather and father—may not actually need.By working at her grandfather’s repair shop, sorting the smalGrey Haward has always detested the Chemists, the magicians-come-scientists who rule her small western town. But she has always followed the rules, taking the potion the Chemists ration out that helps the town’s people survive. A potion that Grey suspects she—like her grandfather and father—may not actually need.By working at her grandfather’s repair shop, sorting the small gears and dusting the curio cabinet inside, Grey has tried to stay unnoticed—or as unnoticed as a tall, strong girl can in a town of diminutive, underdeveloped citizens. Then her best friend, Whit, is caught by the Chemists’ enforcers after trying to protect Grey one night, and after seeing the extent of his punishment, suddenly taking risks seems the only decision she can make.But with the risk comes the reality that the Chemists know her family’s secret, and the Chemists soon decide to use her for their own purposes. Panicked, Grey retreats to the only safe place she knows—her grandfather’s shop. There, however, a larger secret confronts her when her touch unlocks the old curio cabinet in the corner and reveals a world where porcelain and clockwork people are real. There, she could find the key that may save Whit’s life and also end the Chemists’ dark rule forever.

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Curio Reviews

Download Torrent Epub Evangeline Denmark Curio Collection

  • Curio was an interesting, intricate book to say the least. It was hard to get into and at times because of the POVs and different settings but was worth the read because it was definitely something new. My video review will be up this weekend!3/5 stars

  • So I READ THIS IN ONE SITTINGSuch a unique novel. I don't think I have read anything like it. It has the main theme of a girl coming into a heritage and then sparking a rebellion. It is very steampunk with hints of The Emerald City from Wizard and Oz Really enjoyed this read! PLUS THE COVER IS AMAZING

  • This book was pretty freaking awesome! I felt like I was in a strange Doctor Who episode in a sense, but not as good as Doctor Who =)There are evil, evil Chemists, Porcie's (porcelain people), clockwork people (although, they don't look like the Doctor Who ones, just people like), Defenders, Warriors, stone people ← for reasons and other stuff. All of the people in the town have to take a potion that gets rationed out daily for the people to stay alive. There is a whole thing about that you ca [...]

  • What a wonderful introduction to a new genre. At least, new to me. Steampunk had no meaning in my vocabulary. It was explained as something like the old “Wild, Wild West” television program where weapons and doodads were anachronistic. That didn’t help much. After reading Curio, I get it! That’s a nice bonus to the pleasure of reading a great story populated by believable and intriguing characters. This author is not afraid to allow her hero and heroine to suffer, make mistakes, and endu [...]

  • Thanks to Netgalley and Zonderkidz for giving me this book to review.Gray Haward detests the Chemists, the rulers of her small western town, but she has always taken their potion which helps people survive. When her best friend, Whit, is punished by the chemists for protecting her, Gray decides to take risks, but when the chemists find out she retreats to the safe haven of her grandfather’s shop. However, there she discovers an even greater secret, a world full of porcelain and clockwork peopl [...]

  • I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.This book will appeal to anyone who's interested in the mechanics of worldbuilding. The setting of Curio is jam-packed with inventive touches and twists—the steampunk world pops off the pages, with its clockwork second-class, porcelain elites, and shunned hybrids. That alone would have been enough to impress, but the fact that this clockwork world is actually framed by another world that's equally unique blew me away.Because of th [...]

  • Grey has lived under the oppression of the Chemist her entire life. When she is attacked by werewolf type creatures, her best friend, Whit, comes to her rescue sending Whit into a night of hellish punishment and Grey drawing the attention of the Chemist.The Chemist attack Grey’s family sending Grey running to her grandfather’s shop and accidently sucked into an alternate universe through the Curio. The new world is inhabited by clockwork people and Grey soon discovers she’s ran herself rig [...]

  • Самое крутое в книге - обложка. Она обещала мне чудо, сказку, стимпанк, алхимию, магию, романтику и еще кучу всяких приятностей, но оказалась подлой динамщицей. Нет, история, наверное, неплохая, но при всей моей любви к странным книгам я не прониклась. Ни героиней, ни миром, ни с [...]

  • I loved Curio and I demand a sequel immediately. Oh, wait. I'm getting ahead of myself. Curio won't officially be published until early January and the only reason I have had the pleasure of devouring the book is that Blink sent me an ARC.Thanks Blink!Things I adored about Curio:1 - All the gadgets! I want them please and thank you. Then I can be a tock.2 - Not your average steampunk, at least not that I've seen. Porcelain & Clockwork => Amazing. Who knew?3 - Kickbutt and not-so-kickbutt [...]

  • AGE WARNING on this review & book. There are lots of touches & detailed kisses in this book and listed in this review. This review should not be read by girls under 14.About this book:“Grey Haward has always detested the Chemists, the magicians-come-scientists who rule her small western town. But she has always followed the rules, taking the potion the Chemists ration out that helps the town’s people survive. A potion that Grey suspects she—like her grandfather and father—may [...]

  • HOLY WORLD-BUILDING BATMAN. I really enjoyed a lot of things about CURIO, but the one aspect that kept blowing my mind over and over again is the world-building of not one but TWO completely weird and unique worlds, both so bizarre I am jealous of Evangeline Denmark's imagination. There's the weird west steampunk Colorado mining town controlled by sinister magical overseers, and then there's the world-within-a-world of clockwork people and sentient porcelain dolls (nightmare fuel, thanks), and w [...]

  • This review is also available on my blog, Read Till Dawn.I'm a long-time fan of the author Donita K. Paul. Her DragonKeeper Chronicles are amazing - literally the best Christian fantasy I have ever read - and I've gobbled up tons of her books over the years. When I got a newsletter telling me that her daughter Evangeline had a book coming out, and that it was steampunk dystopian, I was excited. Then I saw the gorgeous cover and I was completely hooked.It was available on BookLook Bloggers, a rev [...]

  • I was first drawn to this book by the lovely book cover, than by the fact that the author is a Colorado author, and lastly by the summary of this book. I do like reading steampunk books but they can be hit and miss for me. This book is what steampunk is about and how to do it right. I instantly was transported into the world that Grey resided in. I could picture everything and it all had a touch of steampunk elements to everything. While I am talking about this book I have to also mention the wh [...]

  • CURIO is a complicated and fascinated steampunk debut by Evangeline Denmark. Grey Haward lives in a harsh, punishing world in Mercury City, in a Colorado I'm grateful never existed. Some of the mystery behind the city and its founders is eventually explained, but it's clear at the outset that Grey has a narrowly circumscribed life. After unsuccessfully resisting those in authority, Grey is forced to flee for safety--and finds herself inside the world of a curio cabinet: a world populated by cloc [...]

  • ***I received the ebook from the publisher through BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review***As someone new to the steampunk and Christian genre, this book threw me straight in the deep end. It begins in Mercury City (the world of the Chemists and Defenders) where repression and violence is a daily occurrence, and then everything is turned on its head when Grey falls into her Grandfather’s old cabinet which transports her to Curio (the world of the Porcies and Tocks).For me it read [...]

  • What I love most about Curio is that Evangeline creates two distinct story worlds, both which are intriguing and enticing. When I finished the book, I was so engrossed in the story, I was sad it was over. Can I have the next book now please?

  • Thank God, it's over. Woah. This book was one of the worst books I've read in a long time. Definitely, won't be reading anything else by this author or continuing with the series - if there are future books.

  • 4 1/2 stars

  • My thanks to NetGalley and Zonderkidz-Books Blink for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.This book was not for me. The cover, gorgeous. The interior, not so much.I had started reading this book, was confused as all get out, realized there was a prequel novella and figured that would make everything make sense. Again, not so much.From what I could gather, this is a steam-punk, alternate America, with Alchemists/Chemists and various types of constructed people. The world wasn't built in [...]

  • I received a copy from Netgalley.Steampunk novels are touch and go with me. It's not my favourite genre, really, but every now and then I see a steampunk novel I like the look of and figure I'll give it a chance. Which is exactly what I thought when I saw Curio pop up on Netgalley.I made it 108 pages, but this is another not for me book. I don't think it's a terrible book at all, its very creative, descriptive and quite original in its storyline and ideas. The main character is likeable enough. [...]

  • 3.5/5 starsI loved the steampunk aspect of the book, and the porcie storyline was really good!It was a fast paced and unique book, I enjoyed reading it :)I was a bit bored with Whit's pov, this might be because I was more interested in Grey story The characters were likeable and the whole world was really interesting, I just felt that it dragged in some places

  • In Curio, Grey Haward lives in a world where Chemists oversee her every choice. Dependent upon a daily potion, which the leaders allow residents once a day, Grey’s family is special. Her grandfather and father possess the ability to survive without the potion, which leads her to question her own dependency. Even still, Grey tries to remain overlooked as the family protects their secret. Every night, a strict curfew is adhered to until one night when Grey’s best friend, Whit, takes the blame [...]

  • This review saddens me to write because I thought I would love this book. The author's mother (Donita K. Paul) was one of my favorites and I had expected to enjoy this just as much. Unfortunately, Denmark's story was nothing like I expected, even knowing (and liking) that it was steampunk.The issues for me began when the conflict between the Chemists and Grey's home town were thrust to the background in favor of the conflict brewing inside the curio cabinet. Denmark had set up a huge conflict wh [...]

  • This book was interesting? Different? Perhaps both. And I don't mean this in a bad way, but in the way one might feel after watching something odd, yet they find they kind of like, or at least are fascinated by it. I don't believe I've read anything like this before, but maybe that's because I've not read much in the steampunk genre. But there were things I liked such as, one, the world in the curio cabinet with the people made of porcelain and the people who run on gadgets like a clock. So diff [...]

  • There is so much to love about Evangeline Denmark’s CURIO. It’s imaginative. And exciting. And completely captivating. The characters are interesting, likable, unusual, appealing. The worlds are incredible - both the world of the Chemists and Defenders and the world of Porcies and Tocks. The lore is intriguing.Its pages are filled with magic and alchemy, battles of good versus evil, and moments of unimaginable bravery, selflessness, sacrifice. There are a number of wonderfully unique inventi [...]

  • Those who follow my reviews know that I have a weird relationship with steampunk. I never seem to like books featuring mechanical fantasy, and yet, I keep trying, striving, to find gems in this troublesome genre. Over and over again, I start a steampunk book and wind up with a DNF — Did Not Finish. I had some high hopes for Curio — pretty cover, ooooh — but I should have known better. This book might be the one to make me give up on steampunk forever.Curio has a very complex — okay, comp [...]

  • Grey Haward's family is different. Both her father and her grandfather do not need the life giving potion that the Chemists who rule their town give out in order to survive. She suspects that she is like them. But she's always followed the rules. When her best friend Whit is caught by the Chemists one night while trying to protect her, Grey sees the results of his punishment and suddenly taking risks doesn't matter. When she discovers that the Chemists know her family's secret, Grey panics and r [...]

  • About the BookGrey Haward has always detested the Chemists, the magicians-come-scientists who rule her small western town. But she has always followed the rules, taking the potion the Chemists ration out that helps the town’s people survive. A potion that Grey suspects she—like her grandfather and father—may not actually need.By working at her grandfather’s repair shop, sorting the small gears and dusting the curio cabinet inside, Grey has tried to stay unnoticed—or as unnoticed as a t [...]

  • I really wanted to just love this book from the minute I opened the box it was shipped in. I really hate writing a review that is not positive. I want say negative because there were some good times.Hidden lands accessed through a keyhole in a curio cabinet, porcelain figures that are really alive, and a strong girl with the opportunity and means to save the world from a controlling power that isn't ideal in any way. What's not to like? The way the story is written is confusing at times. It seem [...]

  • This book has a wonderful feel to it that I was instantly captivated with. Written in an engaging style, I was immediately enthralled by the steampunk universe created by Denmark. An impressive cast of characters; I had no difficulty imagining the tocks and porcies, along with the steam-driven universe. Similarly, the'human' characters of Grey, Blaise, Whit and Marina, felt real, with evocative romances simmering just enough to incite the imaginations and satisfy any teen audience. Although I fo [...]

In thisnovella prequel to the YA fantasy novel Curio by Evangeline Denmark, after losing his family to a devastating plague, Olan is saved by a group of ';magickers' who are searching for the cure. But as he accompanies his rescuers to their alpine clinic, mysteries arise surrounding their potions and powers of alchemy. Especially after Olan notices a deep division forming between those who seek to defend the purity of the healing alchemical work and those who wish to wield it as a powerful weapon.Olan is thrust into the midst of this dissention after he discovers he is somehow specialchosen as a guardian like the clinic's founder. As he spends time with two of his rescuers Auriana, who has a strong healer's gift and beauty to match, and Alaric, a brooding young man wrestling with his father's cruel beliefs Olan realizes he may have the power to direct the course of blood and alchemy, and possibly find a third way forward.Introducing readers to the fantastical world of Curio, this novella is wrapped in mystery, adventure, and intrigue.

Search this site. (Curio #1) by Evangeline Denmark Book or Download in PDF. Read Online Moonlight over Paris by Jennifer Robson Book or Download in PDF. Read Online Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics by Chris Grabenstein Book or Download in PDF. I and my friends very like to read this ebook here. Evangeline Denmark's Blog. Summer Event Schedule. And if you read Curio, Mark of Blood and Alchemy, or The Ice Child, please consider leaving a review on sites like Amazon and Goodreads. Your reviews and recommendations to friends are vital for authors like me. I’m giving away a prize pack that includes an ebook of The.

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