Tool Nose Radius Compensation Chart Download

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Haas Rotary Tailstock Operator Manual. Haas Bar Feeder Manual. Tool nose radius compensation. This turning center compensation type is very similar to cutter radius compensation. In fact the same three G codes are used. G41 instates tool nose radius compensation in a tool left condition. G42 instates with a tool right condition. G40 cancels tool nose radius compensation.

I have always used g41 or g42 in turning to get my angles and radii to come out to print. However I have purchached an older machine which does not have tool radius comp option.
I seem to remember in years past a formula or constant to add (or subtract) in x and z for an angle or radius to come out to print. Does anyone know the formula or trig or constant for diffrent tool nose radii??
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Download 'Tool Nose Radius Compensation. The radius on the cutting edge of a single point tool. Programmed point. Radius. Boring bar'
  • Aileen Potter
  • 1 years ago
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1 Lesson 10 Tool Nose Radius Compensation Tool nose radius compensation is only used for single point turning tools and only when finishing surfaces that have critical shapes. While there isn t much a setup person must do with this feature (and nothing an operator must do), you should understand why it is used and be able to do your part when it is used. In this lesson, we discuss one other important time when you must compensate for attributes of cutting tools. It has to do with the small radius that is on the cutting edge of any single point cutting tool like a turning tool or a boring bar. The next illustration shows this radius. The radius on the cutting edge of a single point tool Programmed point Radius Radius Programmed point Turning tool Boring bar Programmed point Grooving tool All single point tools have a small radius on the cutting edge For cutting tools used in the United States, the actual size of the radius will be specified in inches and there are four standard tool nose radius sizes for turning and boring inserts: 1/64 inch (0.0156) 1/32 inch (0.0316) 3/64 inch (0.0468) 1/16 inch (0.0625) Though you may consider these radii to be quite small, this small nose radius on the edge of the cutting tool will be sufficient to cause a small deviation from the programmed shape of your workpiece at least when angular and circular surfaces must be machined. Remember that you are programming the extreme edges of the cutting tool in each axis. This is also illustrated above (specified as programmed point). Notice the small gap between the programmed point and the actual cutting edge. This small gap will not affect the turning of diameters (parallel to the Z axis) and the machining of faces (parallel to the X axis). The next illustration shows this. Copyright 2011, CNC Concepts, Inc. CNC Turning Center Setup And Operation Page 1

2 The tool nose radius will not affect diameters and faces The tool nose radius will not affect the machining of straight turns and faces When a cutting tool is turning diameters and machining faces, the cutting edge is in direct contact with the workpiece surface being machined. But when angular (tapered) surfaces and circular surfaces must be machined, the gap between the programmed point and the cutting edge will affect machining as the next illustration shows. The tool nose radius will affect the machining of tapers and arcs Deviation caused by tool nose radius Deviation caused by tool nose radius Deviation Programme d points Tool nose radius affects the machining of angular and circular surfaces How much deviation are we talking about? The deviation is at its worst at a forty-five degree angle when the cutting tool is half-way through a ninetydegree arc or when it is machining a forty-five degree chamfer. The next illustration shows this. Copyright 2011, CNC Concepts, Inc. CNC Turning Center Setup And Operation Page 2

3 Maximum deviation About 1/2 the tool nose radius About 1/2 the tool nose radius Maximum deviation caused by tool nose radius If you are using a cutting tool with a 1/32 inch (0.0312) nose radius, the deviation at forty-five degrees will be about inch. In some cases, this may not be enough to cause problems. Maybe you are machining a chamfer or radius for the purpose of breaking sharp corners. On the other hand, there are many applications when even a tiny deviation will cause a scrap workpiece. Consider, for example, machining a Morse taper. The taper angle and position will be critical to the function of the workpiece. Keeping the cutting edge flush with the work surface at all times One way to handle the deviations is to manually compensate for the tool nose radius with your programmed coordinates. Note that this is not the method we recommend. We re only showing it to help you gain an understanding of how tool nose radius compensation works and what it s doing for you. Look at the next illustration. Manually compensating for the tool nose radius Compensated tool path Programmed arc size Compensated tool path Coordinates that compensate for the tool nose radius Copyright 2011, CNC Concepts, Inc. CNC Turning Center Setup And Operation Page 3

4 Notice that the programmed points are no longer related to workpiece coordinates. For the chamfer, the start point is at a smaller diameter than the chamfer s beginning position. The end point is more negative in Z. With these programmed points (which we re calling the compensated tool path), the cutting edge of the tool will remain in contact with the workpiece chamfer during the motion. We ve done the same for the radius motion. The start point is smaller in X and the end point is more negative in Z. And the size of the radius must be increased by the tool nose radius. With this compensated tool path, the cutting edge will remain flush with the workpiece radius during the motion and the radius on the workpiece will be machined properly. Again, this is not the method we recommend for dealing with the deviations caused by the tool nose radius. We re showing it for two reasons. First, this is exactly what the feature tool nose radius compensation will (automatically) do for you. Tool nose radius compensation allows you to program the work surface path (all coordinates right on the workpiece). It will automatically create the compensated path and keep the cutting edge flush with all workpiece surfaces. Second, some computer aided manufacturing (CAM) systems will create a CNC program with compensated tool paths. During programming, the programmer tells the CAM system the size of the tool nose radius and the CAM system outputs a CNC program with compensated tool paths. This eliminates the need for CNCbased tool nose radius compensation, which in turn eliminates some of the work a setup person must do during setup. If your company uses a CAM system, you ll want to determine whether it is generating compensated tool paths or whether it is generating programs with CNC-based tool nose radius compensation commands (G41 and G42). If your company is using a CAM system that outputs a compensated tool path to deal with the deviations caused by the tool nose radius, setup people and operators can ignore this lesson. When tool nose radius compensation is used As stated, tool nose radius compensation is used with single point cutting tools, like turning tools and boring bars. And it should only be used for finishing operations. We don t recommend using tool nose radius compensation for roughing operations. And it is never required for center-cutting operations like drilling, reaming, and tapping. Tool nose radius compensation from a setup person s point of view By one means or another, two offset registers must be entered for each tool that is using tool nose radius compensation. In many companies, the setup person manually enters this information during setup. The next illustration shows the geometry offset display screen page. Geometry offset display screen page 16T Offset / Geometry No. X Z R T POSITION PROGRA M OFFSE T PRG_CH K + Copyright 2011, CNC Concepts, Inc. CNC Turning Center Setup And Operation Page 4

5 Geometry offset display screen page Notice the R and T registers. These registers are used with tool nose radius compensation. The R register is used to specify the tool nose radius. As you can see, this register requires a decimal value. For a 1/32 inch tool nose radius, a value of must be entered. The T register is used to specify the cutting tool type. It is a code number. The next illustration provides a chart, showing the various T register values. T register values used with tool nose radius compensation T = 1 T = 2 T = 3 Turning tool Back boring bar Boring bar T = 4 Back turning tool T = 5 T = 6 T = 7 T = 8 T = 9 Centerline Types of cutting tools used with tool nose radius compensation and the related T values Of the tools shown on the chart, by far the two most popular types are the boring bar (type number two) and the turning tool (type number three). You should try to remember these two types. If tool number two in a program is a finish turning tool having a 1/32 inch tool nose radius, geometry offset number two s R and T registers must be entered. The next illustration shows this. Geometry offset display screen page Offset / Geometry 16T No. X Z R T POSITION PROGRAM OFFSET PRG_CHK + How the R and T registers must be set for the example program Copyright 2011, CNC Concepts, Inc. CNC Turning Center Setup And Operation Page 5

6 While the X and Z program-zero-assignment registers are set for several tools (there must be other tools currently in the turret), we re only concerned with offset number two. Notice that the R register is set to the cutting tool s nose radius (0.0312) and the T register is set to the tool type (3, which specifies a turning tool). What if my machine does not have geometry offsets? Older machines that do not have geometry offsets have only one offset page. For these machines, you must use the wear offset page to enter tool nose radius compensation values. What if I forget to enter tool nose radius compensation values? If you forget to enter tool nose radius compensation values into offsets, and if the current values in the offset are set to zero, the machine will think the cutting tool has a zero radius. The program will run, but the machine will not modify the programmed path in any way. In essence, it will be as if there are no tool nose radius compensation commands in the program. What if I enter tool nose radius compensation values into wear offsets? If your machine has geometry offsets, we recommend that you use them to enter tool nose radius compensation values. Many machines will clear (set to zero) wear offset values for an offset whenever geometry offsets are automatically entered by a tool touch off probe or by the measure function. This means that if you use the tool touch off probe during a production run during dull tool replacement, you could lose the tool nose radius values if they are placed in wear offsets. What if I enter tool nose radius compensation values into both the geometry and wear offsets? Remember that the machine will total the values that are in the wear and geometry offset registers. If for example, you have placed a value of in both the geometry and wear offset register for a tool, most machines will use a value of when creating the compensated tool path for the tool. Key points for Lesson Ten: All single point tools have a small radius on their cutting edges. This radius will affect the shape of the workpiece being machined. Tool nose radius compensation keeps the radius on the cutting edge flush with all workpiece surfaces during machining. By one means or another, the R and T registers of the cutting tool s offset must be set. The setup person can enter them manually, or they can be programmed with a special command. Conclusion to Key Concept Number Three: It is imperative that CNC setup people and operators understand the three compensation types. Geometry offsets are especially important to setup people. Setup people will have to assign program zero for each tool when it is loaded into the machine s turret. Once program zero is assigned for a job, there should be no need to deal with geometry offsets again until the next job, meaning CNC operators shouldn t have to modify program zero assignment values once a production run begins. Wear offsets is important to both setup people and operators. Every cutting tool in every job requires a wear offset. During the machining of the first workpiece, the setup person must then manipulate the wear offset for each tool to make each workpiece dimension come out to its target value so the production run begins with each attribute being nearly perfectly machined. Operators will have to manipulate wear offset values in order to keep surfaces coming out within their tolerance bands. And when cutting tools get dull, they will have to repeat many of the tasks a setup person performs with the cutting tool during the initial setup. Tool nose radius compensation, when used, is also important to setup people. It is only required for finishing tools that machine critical surface shapes like Morse tapers. Setup people must determine and enter the Copyright 2011, CNC Concepts, Inc. CNC Turning Center Setup And Operation Page 6

7 tool type and tool nose radius. They must enter these values into the geometry offset T and R registers for the tool. We cannot overstress the importance of the topics presented in this Key Concept. While there are several other physical tasks that must be performed during setups and production runs, setup people and operators will be working with compensation in every job. Your ability to run good workpieces is based upon your understanding of this Key Concept. Copyright 2011, CNC Concepts, Inc. CNC Turning Center Setup And Operation Page 7

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